We know that deciding to send your student abroad requires a lot of thought and information. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Why Sage Corps?

Sage Corps’ unique college abroad opportunity offers students an unparalleled global experience that will set them apart from their peers when competing for entry level jobs. Our Fellows have gone on to receive full-time jobs from Fortune 50 corporations (e.g. IBM, Amazon), consulting firms (e.g. McKinsey, Accenture, Oliver Wyman), investment banks (Deutsche Bank, Bank of America), startups (including their host startups), and some even launch their own companies!

Get an overview of our programs here.

What costs are included?

  • Sage Corps spends significant time and expense in building a personalized program for its selected Fellows, beginning with a vetting process for each participating host startup. A Sage Corps team member spends time in each country scouting available opportunities at high-growth startups.
  • Sage Corps’ full-time program covers housing at a pre-vetted location that is strategically located in the city with access to public transportation.
  • All Fellows receive travel medical insurance that includes emergency evacuation.
  • Sage Corps offers a pre-departure curriculum and in-country networking and professional event programming.

What precautions have been taken to ensure student safety?

Sage Corps has two country managers who are available in each location to handle issues on the ground. In addition, Sage Corps follows detailed safety procedures including:

  • Requiring its students to register with the US State Department Smart Travel Program
  • Guidelines set forth by the US State Department and US Central for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Purchasing emergency medical/travel health insurance for each student
  • Maintaining address and contact information for students’ housing and work office
  • Setting up wifi enabled communication that we use for any type of emergency (student personal emergency, political risk, or natural disaster)
  • If you have further questions please contact us at [email protected].

When will a student know their startup match, and why should I pay before then?

Sage Corps has relationships with pre-vetted startups all over the world. From this network, we will select what we believe to be the best opportunity for each individual student based on his/her skill set. However, an internship role cannot be confirmed until that student has signed a Student Agreement and paid a $1,000 deposit. This step is a commitment to join Sage Corps, which then allows us to unlock our student portal where the student will complete our hard skill training modules. The startup CEOs also do not want to meet a student who MAY fly overseas to their host city.

Can Sage Corps programs contribute to academic progress?

YES! Students can earn up to 6 university credit hours while completing their professional internship abroad, and in our semester program, they can earn an entire semester of credit from our partner universities abroad. Fellows who participate in our two-week Start! program, or 8-12 week summer and semester programs are eligible to earn academic credit. Our academic partner and school of record, Trinity, offers our fellows the opportunity to earn academic credit while completing a global internship. The best news? We’re able to offer transferrable credit at a fraction of the cost of most university tuitions.

Student’s home universities must pre-approve transferrable credit.

For more details refer to our Academic Credit page.

Curious to find out more? Get in touch with us today!