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Earn up to 6 university credit hours while completing your professional internship abroad.
We believe that experience is the new classroom, and our programs prove it. We’ve taken the traditional study abroad model and flipped it to ensure our students are a step ahead both academically and professionally. Students who participate in our short term Start! program or 8-week summer program may enroll in an online course to earn academic credit.*
Our academic partner, Trinity, offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit while completing a global internship. The best news? We’re able to offer transferable** credit at a fraction of the cost of most university tuitions.
*Students interested in earning credit must first register with Trinity to enroll in the course.
**Students’ home universities must pre-approve transferable credit.
Global Internship Experience
Course Description
3 – 6 credit hours*
This course engages students in practical learning experiences at a start-up company. The vocationally oriented experience enables students to deepen the knowledge, skills, and theoretical perspective acquired in their academic field of study. Students develop learning goals for focused areas of professional application in their chosen field of study and are evaluated based on an initial learning contract, weekly reflections, and a midpoint and final evaluations. Students will work full-time (40 hours per week) at their pre-arranged internship for 2-8 weeks.
*Subject to pre-approval at their home university, students may earn 1 credit for every 40 hours that they work, up to 6 credits with a minimum of 120 hours and 3 credits. Students must also register with Trinity to receive a transcript.
Three academic credit hours are built into the base program price. However, students must pay a $450 enrollment fee for 3 credits and $750 for 6 credits in order to receive a transcript from Trinity. Students must register with Trinity, successfully complete an online course, and have approval for the credit at their home university to receive credit.
Internship credits may be earned during the summer and Start! programs. Again, all transfer credit must be pre-approved by a student’s home university.
Instructor Bios
Dr. Mackenzi Huyser
Professor of Social Work at Trinity and Executive Director at Chicago Semester has taught and mentored college students from a wide-variety of disciplines for nearly 20 years. Her most recent roles in higher education included serving as an Academic Dean for Faculty Development and Academic Programs at Trinity and as Executive Director of Chicago Semester, an off-campus experiential education program that serves students from 26 different colleges and universities. Dr. Huyser’s publications include Grappling with Faith: Decision Cases for Christians in Social Work (NACSW, 2010) and a variety of scholarly articles on gentrification and place published in Christian Scholars Review, Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, and the Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. She serves as an Associate Editor of the journal Social Work and Christianity. Dr. Huyser is a graduate of Trinity (BA, Sociology), Grand Valley State University (MSW), and Andrews University (Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction).
Dr. Rebecca Burwell
Faculty at Chicago Semester, has taught and supervised college students for the last ten years through Chicago Semester, an off-campus experiential education program that serves students from 26 different colleges and universities. Her teaching includes courses on Diversity and Inequality, Values and Vocation, a Professional Internship Seminar, and seminar on Social Justice. Trained as a sociologist, Dr. Burwell was appointed as a Research Faculty at the University of Notre Dame from 2002-2007, directing a project on Latino religious communities through the Center for the Study of Latino Religion at the University’s Institute for Latino Studies. In addition, she currently serves on a teaching team for graduate students of theology at McCormick Seminary in Chicago. Dr. Burwell’s publications include a variety of scholarly articles and chapters on Latino churches, teaching virtues to undergraduate students, and mothering in Latin America. She has been published in Christian Scholars Review, Journal of Christian Education and Belief, Social Work and Christianity, and Journal of Poverty. Dr. Burwell is a graduate of Houghton College (BA, Sociology) and Loyola University of Chicago (MA and Ph.D., Sociology).